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“A Tower in the Middle of the Forest?” | S6, P1 – Through the Realm of Light and S

Shattered Studios

Through the Realm of Light & Shadow – Session Six, Part One

The Champions continue their journey to the heart of the Mirkwood. Along the way, they hear a strange sound and encounter a mysterious tower. Will their plans to approach the tower cautiously be ruined by one impatient dwarf?______________________________________________________________________________

“Through the Realm of Light and Shadow” is an original role-play adventure based in the Lord of the Rings setting. An audio version is also available on most major platforms.

Journey with us and hopefully even be inspired in your own life and faith as you see our team strive to overcome challenges.

Video Edits: Gabriel Medina

Special Note: Players usually attempt to role-play how they believe their character would act in various situations. We may not always agree with those responses or actions in real life.

This adventure features laughter and fun banter between the players, however, it also depicts battles and overcoming some challenging situations. So like the Lords of the Rings movies, we recommend this tale be enjoyed by teenagers and older.

To bring our adventure to life we are using the “Adventures in Middle Earth” core books by Cubicle 7, which is based on the 5e ruleset from D&D. Find out more about those resources here:

“A Tower in the Middle of the Forest?” | S6, P1 – Through the Realm of Light and Shadow

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